Directions to the Ridge
Please Drive Safe
Always watch for Wildlife!
From Sydney or Canberra
via Goulburn:
Drive to Goulburn on the HUME HWY
Exit at SYDNEY ROAD exit (exit 1 of 2 – sign posted Goulburn).
Turn ‘RIGHT’ at the first set of lights at UNION STREET
(sign posted Wombeyan Caves and Taralga).
Drive towards TARALGA for 44kms.
Continue along TARALGA ROAD for another 26kms (approx. 15 minutes).
Abercrombie Ridge’s driveway is approximately 2kms past The Tin Shed Gallery.
The property has a fire engine RED Drum Letterbox and large RED ROCK fence on the RIGHT!
The DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE IS BETWEEN the middle two yellow arrow signs on the RIGHT.
BEFORE the decline to the Abercrombie River.
Note: If you reach the bridge at Abercrombie River, you’ve gone too far,
turn around and drive back up the hill to the entrance of the property (now on your left).
From the Blue Mountains via Oberon:
Turn RIGHT into SHOOTERS HILL ROAD and follow for 36kms.
Turn LEFT onto ABERCROMBIE ROAD and follow for 31kms
When you cross the bridge at the Abercrombie River.
Continue up TARALGA ROAD for 2.5kms until you reach the top of the hill
The property has a fire engine RED Drum Letterbox and large RED ROCK fence on the LEFT!
The DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE IS BETWEEN the middle two yellow arrow signs on the LEFT.